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Rep. Donalds Votes to Protect Your Constitutional Right to Keep and Bear Arms

WASHINGTON - Today, Congressman Byron Donalds (R-FL) issued the following statement regarding his vote on numerous unconstitutional, and overreaching Democrat gun bills voted today on the House Floor.

“As an American, father, son, United States Congressman, and human being, the horrors of the acts of violence we've seen throughout the country are deeply disturbing and corrode the soul of our great nation. The desire to 'do something’ is loud and clear, but we must remain clear-eyed when legislating from the highest legislative body in the land. The truth remains, we are a Republic that follows the sacred words of our United States Constitution that stipulates very plainly the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. 

“The knee-jerk proposals we are voting on today will do little to nothing to curb the infliction of heinous violence plaguing America committed by lawless maniacs hellbent on devaluing innocent life. The unabashed crusade on our Second Amendment exposes the Democrat's disdain and lack of respect for our fundamental rights established in our founding documents. The people of Florida's 19th Congressional District sent me to Washington to defend their rights, and I cannot in good faith vote for any radical provision to dismantle Americans' right to keep and bear arms.”
