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Congressman Donalds' Statement Regarding H.R. 1446

Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL) issued a statement regarding his opposition and stance on H.R. 1446.

WASHINGTON––Today, Congressman Byron Donalds (R-FL) issued the following statement regarding H.R. 1446- Enhanced Background Checks.

“H.R. 1446 is a heavy-handed and radical bureaucratic bill intended to create arbitrary rules and infringements upon the rights of millions of law-abiding gun owners in America. This measure is nothing more than a blatant infringement of Americans’ Second Amendment right to bear arms.”

“H.R. 1446 does not prevent criminals from purchasing a weapon, this bill only prevents legal gun owners from defending their families – which is a right granted to them by the United States Constitution. House Democrats supporting this legislation fail to realize that national background check laws already exist. The passage of H.R. 1446 will only create inefficient government backlog and decrease access to a potentially life-saving firearm.”
