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Rep. Donalds, Sen. Scott Introduce DEMOCRACIA Act Sanctioning Communist Cuba

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congressman Byron Donalds (FL-19) announced bicameral legislation, Denying Earnings to the Military Oligarchy in Cuba and Restricting Activities of the Cuban Intelligence Apparatus (DEMOCRACIA) Act. This legislation holds the communist Cuban regime accountable for their human rights violations through several secondary sanctions and financial constraint. Senator Rick Scott (R-FL) is the sponsor in the United States Senate.

“For six decades, the Cuban people have faced unimaginable horrors that have denied their fundamental human rights, subjected them to imprisonment and abuse, and limited the prosperity of millions,” said Rep. Donalds. “This legislation targets the worst abusers in the authoritarian government accountable are their egregious human rights violations against democracy activists and reaffirms our commitment to freedom, liberty, and justice. The Cuban people need and deserve the full support of the United States in their relentless and righteous fight for liberation from the Communist Cuban regime.”

“For decades, Cuba has been the root of instability in Latin American and a constant threat to the national security to the United States. The Castro regime harbors terrorist groups, has eliminated free and fair elections, threatens and arbitrarily arrests critics, journalists, and political activists, and props up other ruthless dictators, like Maduro in Venezuela and Ortega in Nicaragua,” said Sen. Rick Scott. “As the Cuban people’s fight for freedom from the oppressive and illegitimate communist Cuban regime continues, the United States must stand for democracy. The DEMOCRACIA Act implements severe sanctions against Communist Cuba and closes existing sanctions gaps. The bill makes clear that the United States will not sit on the sidelines during this critical fight. It’s time for President Biden to stop his failed appeasement and punish the communist regime for its crimes.  I urge my colleagues in the House and Senate to immediately take up and pass the DEMOCRACIA Act and send a clear message to President Biden that the time for strength in the fight for freedom is now.”

“Today, my colleagues and I are introducing legislation to deny material support to the brutal, oppressive, and anti-American Cuban dictatorship and to require the Biden Administration to use any available means to provide internet access to the Cuban people– which they have refused to do so far,” said Rep. Diaz-Balart. “As brave pro-democracy and human rights activists continue to demand freedom, and many remain imprisoned for daring to speak out against the regime, this legislation is critical to promoting a free and democratic Cuba. I commend my colleagues, Congressman Byron Donalds and Senator Rick Scott, for standing with the Cuban people.”

“The Biden Administration’s mishandling of the Cuba issue has been a disgrace. The United States must have a strong posture against the evil, communist Castro regime and maintain a firm and unequivocal commitment to the freedom-seeking Cuban people,” said Rep. Carlos Gimenez. By sanctioning individuals within the apparatus of power of the Communist Party of Cuba, we are sending a clear message to the Cuban people and around the world that we stand firmly on the side of political and economic freedom. This issue is a personal one to me. I will always stand firmly on the side of all who yearn for freedom and democracy. I thank Senator Rick Scott and my colleague Byron Donalds in the House for introducing this important legislation.”

“I represent Florida’s 27th district – home to the largest Cuban exile community in the United States. As the daughter of Cuban exiles myself, I am committed to fighting against the murderous regime that forced so many of us to flee,” said Congresswoman María Elvira Salazar. “This critical legislation ensures that any foreign company choosing to do business with the Castro regime will be blocked from American money and markets. We will not stand idly by as foreign businesses supply oxygen to a brutal dictatorship for their own financial gain. The United States must not and will not do business with dictators or their cronies.”

“My mother was born in Cuba, imprisoned by Fidel Castro, escaped communism, and became a proud American citizen. I was raised to stand up and fight back against the evils of communism and to fight for freedom," said Rep. Alex Mooney. "I am proud to support the DEMOCRACIA Act. This legislation is another important step toward a free and open Cuba.” 

"The socialist regime in Cuba, which silences and abuses its own citizens, as well as harbors fugitives and terrorists, should be held to the same sanctions standard as any other state sponsor of terror,” said Congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis. I am proud to support Rep. Donalds' bill alongside my colleagues who stand for justice and democracy for the Cuban people."

House Co-Sponsors: Reps. Babin (TX-36), Diaz-Balart (FL-25), Gimenez (FL-26), Mooney (WV-02), Mailliotakis (NY-11), Salazar (FL-27).
