WASHINGTON – Congressman Byron Donalds (R-FL) joined Daybreak With Drew Steele on 92.5 Fox News Radio in Fort Myers, to discuss Wednesday's House Oversight and Accountability Committee Mark-Up recommending that Hunter Biden be held in contempt of Congress and the ongoing crisis at our Southern border.
Watch the full interview here.
If you're a private citizen, you cannot ignore a Congressional subpoena:
“I mean look, the Democrats back during 2020, their big thing was 'Saving the Soul of America' and 'Look at what's happening to our institutions,' but the people who are destroying them are the Democrats. I go back to the simple thing of a subpoena. Look, you can quibble about whether members of Congress can be subpoena'd by other committees. You can have that argument. Outside of the Ethics Committee. You can have that argument. You can go back and forth. If you're a private citizen, you cannot ignore a Congressional subpoena. You just simply can't. It could be ridiculous but you have to answer the subpoena. You gotta show up. For this guy to just be like, 'Yeah, I ain't going, and Eric Swalwell's reserving space so I can give a speech to the camera's,' and it was a terrible speech by the way Drew, wasn't even a good speech. When you give a speech instead of going and sitting your butt in Congress and doing your deposition, it destroys the institution."
The government is not doing its job:
“You have what's happening at the Southern border. Right? It is outrageous. The president is not even fulfilling his oath to faithfully execute the laws of the land, and nobody...except for Republicans...is even saying, 'Oh my gosh, this is terrible,' and to be blunt Drew, you even have some Republicans on Capitol Hill who are like, 'Yeah, it's not good but we can't shut down the government. I mean why would we do that?' And I look at these guys, and I'm like, 'Because the government is not doing its job.' Listen, Ian is the engineer, he is the producer today on the show, right? If Ian doesn't let the calls come in, is 92.5 Fox News going to pay Ian? No! They're going to fire him...So this is what's going on."