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ICYMI: Donalds Joins Mornings With Maria Bartiromo

WASHINGTON – Congressman Byron Donalds (R-FL) joined Mornings With Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business Network to discuss updates in the investigation into Biden family corruption, the large group of Chinese nationals recently apprehended while attempting to illegally cross the Southern border, and Sen. Durbin's proposal to allow illegal immigrants to join the U.S. Military.

Watch the full interview here

We cannot have a President of the United States that is compromised:

"I make of it Maria, what I've always made from it. It's that Joe Biden lied to the American people when he was asked by Donald Trump on that debate stage. I make of it that Joe Biden lied to the American people when he said he had no idea what his son was doing and they never talk business. And I take from it that Joe Biden lied when he said that he and his family never took money from foreign sources. We've now seen the bank accounts. We've seen the bank transfers. Not only was the family taking money, Joe Biden was taking money. And so the question for the American people now is: Did Joe Biden take that money and is he still compromised by foreign leaders? We know he took the money. The question is: Is he compromised? And considering where the world is right now, we cannot have a President of the United States that is compromised by our enemies."

That is the very essence of a national security crisis:

"America, do you see the foolishness happening up here on Capitol Hill? Senate Democrats, and House Democrats, and Joe Biden refuse to secure the Southern border. They want $120 million for everybody else, but they won't take care of America and the American people, and then Dick Durbin says, 'Hey that's ok, let's just put them in the military and everything is going to be alright.' That is the very essence of a national security crisis. These people are nuts. They don't deserve majorities. They do not deserve the White House. The American people need to do their job and vote these fools out, because if this kind of nonsense continues, it will be to the destruction of our country. That's all I've got to say about it."

You either secure the border or don't come to the House...looking for cash:

"As to my latest understanding you cannot. So, it's very interesting that you can't leave China unless Xi Jinping says it's ok, but you can walk into America and nobody, not even a border agent, can stop you. That is terrible policy for our country. We have to do better, not hope. And there's not going to be any negotiations with Senate Democrats. Let me tell Chuck Schumer right now, we're not negotiating over this point. You either secure the border or don't come to the House of Representatives looking for cash. We don't have money for you Chuck, until the border is secure."