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Donalds Joins Tiffany, Perry And Others In Reintroduction Of Legislation To End America’s “One China Policy”

WASHINGTON - Congressman Byron Donalds (R-FL), Congressman Tom Tiffany (R-WI), Congressman Scott Perry (R-PA), and sixteen others reintroduced legislation to end America’s “One China Policy.” Under the resolution, the United States will resume normal diplomatic relations with Taiwan, negotiate a bilateral free trade agreement with Taiwan and support Taiwan’s membership in international organizations.

“For decades, the United States and the world has been pretending that Taiwan is not an independent nation. We must formally acknowledge reality. Our longstanding ally Taiwan is not governed by the Chinese Communist Party and deserves to be treated as a trusted diplomatic partner as is any other free and thriving democracy. It is time to close the book on the One China Policy,” said Congressman Byron Donalds.

“The world has undergone dramatic changes since the days of Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter, and it's time that U.S. policy reflected that fact. Taiwan is a free, democratic, and independent country – one that has never been under the control of the People’s Republic of China or part of its territory. Any suggestion to the contrary is simply a lie,” said Congressman Tom Tiffany.

“It’s time to change the status quo and recognize the reality denied by the United States government for decades: Taiwan is an independent Nation. As our long-standing and valued partner, correctly acknowledging their independence from Communist China is long overdue,” said Congressman Scott Perry.

The full text of the resolution can be found here.

You can also read more about the resolution here.