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ICYMI: Donalds Joins Daybreak With Drew Steele

WASHINGTON – Congressman Byron Donalds (R-FL) joined Daybreak With Drew Steele on 92.5 Fox News Radio in Fort Myers, to discuss opposition to the Senate's weak border deal and the importance of House Republicans negotiating from a position of strength rather than continually capitulating to radicals in the Democratic party.

Watch the full interview here.

The Senate's deal is trash...It is dead in the House:

“We could fix the problem immediately. Joe Biden could do it today, but they won't because they want this. There was a graphic I saw yesterday, that total encounters at the Southern border during President Trump's four years was like 2.4 million. Through Joe Biden's three years, it's 6.9 million. Three years. It's unbelievably insane, and it's only because they want it this way. When you have members of our party, as a Republican, who are openly saying this, this sounds bad, but you're letting the Democrats off the hook. They are the ones that caused this problem. You have to make them fix the issue before you start talking about anything else, and that, I'm telling you right now Drew, I don't know who that was on FOX, but that is the vast majority opinion of House Republicans. We are not going to take the Senate's deal. The Senate's deal is trash. It is dead in the House."

We have to demonstrate that we can lead:

“Up here, you have Republicans who say that the only way to show that you can govern is to come to these funky compromises with the Democrats and their radical positions. And so you have a larger group of us up here who say, 'That's not governing. That's capitulation.' The Democrats do not want to come off of their position, which is radical. So you have a compromised position with a radical, and that demonstrates that you can govern? No it doesn't. What it demonstrates is, is that you do not have the ability to one: message to the American people, and explain what is going on. And two: showing leadership to fix what's happening. That's governing. But up here they'll tell you, 'Oh, well, yes we have to spend this money because the other side, that's just what they want. We have to demonstrate that we can govern.' No, we have to demonstrate that we can lead."