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ICYMI: Donalds Joins Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo

WASHINGTON – Congressman Byron Donalds (R-FL) joined Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo on Fox News Channel to discuss updates in the ongoing investigation into Biden family corruption, opposition to the upcoming vote for a Continuing Resolution, and the failure of President Biden's economic platform.

Watch the full interview here

If the border is not secured, this government does not deserve to be funded:

"No, I'm not in agreement with this spending bill. I'm not even in agreement on the Continuing Resolution. We have a massive problem at our Southern border. It mus be done now. It must be fixed now. If you give the Democrats money to fund the government, they will continue to ignore the problem. Maria, when Joe Biden first came into office, encounters at the Southern border were a little over 92,000 encounters. Last month, it was well over 330,000 encounters, and the deal that came out of the Senate was for 150,000 encounters per month. That's a bad deal. Democrats are not serious on this. So in my view. Secure the border. If the border is not secured, this government does not deserve to be funded. We will fund the Department of Defense. We'll pay our troops. We'll take care of our veterans and VA. We'll even make sure border agents are paid to have some semblance of security, but the rest of this government doesn't deserve money if our border continues to be open the way that it is."

The choice in prosecution is clear:

"The American people are now seeing the level of corruption going with the Biden family. They see Hunter Biden just ignoring a Congressional subpoena–something no American citizen would ever be able to get away with. Hunter Biden not only ignores his subpoena, he comes into open hearing and flaunts members of the Oversight Committee, flaunts members of Congress with his arrogance. I think this is disgusting what's occurred here, and so, in my view next week, the House of Representatives is going to hold him in contempt of Congress. When that occurs, then the big question is going to be for Merrick Garland and main Justice: Are you going to prosecute the president's son for being in violation of a Congressional subpoena and holding him in contempt? He's not an administrative employee. He's never worked for the federal government. The choice in prosecution is clear. This sets up a terrible double-standard for the Democrats, but it's one of their own making because they have been persecuting President Trump using the legal system against their political opponent. Meanwhile the level of corruption in the Biden family has been covered-up by the same Department of Justice."

All this stuff happened the second Joe Biden took over as President:

"You said it at the open. You and Jamie Dimon, Maria. Food prices: massively up. Energy prices: massively up. Rent: massively up. And you can't blame that on Republicans. You can't blame it on Donald Trump. All this stuff happened the second Joe Biden took over as President of the United States. All of it. The Southern border problem, which is much bigger than just counties on the Southern border of Texas and Arizona. It's a major problem in Chicago, a major problem in New York, and other big cities. All of that because of Joe Biden."