Last week, your House Republican majority was back on Capitol Hill for a seventh-straight week of session, passing legislation and holding radical Democrats accountable. Weeks ago, startling reports surfaced out of New York City, that unvetted illegal immigrants were being housed at public elementary and secondary schools, in close proximity to children. This is completely unacceptable and should never happen in our country as it places our children in situations of unnecessary risk. As a result, House Republicans passed a commonsense, bipartisan resolution, H.Res. 461, to condemn these reckless measures at the federal level.
We also passed H.R. 3564 - The Middle Class Borrower Protection Act of 2023. This bipartisan bill eliminates new Biden administration taxes on creditworthy homebuyers, that are used to subsidize those with risky loans. Taxing those with good credit, to fund those with bad credit, not only discourages financially responsible citizens from participating in our system, but more importantly, it's another nonsensical and unrealistic proposal introduced by out-of-touch Washington Democrats. We must preserve the dream of home ownership for middle-class Americans.
As the week progressed, we shifted focus to accountability. For years, Rep. Adam Schiff of California has recklessly lied to the American people, propagating explosive and destructive, anti-Trump hoaxes like the Russia Collusion scandal. Frankly, Schiff's disgraceful term as Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee left a lasting stain on our nation. He wasted millions of dollars, pushing phony conspiracy theories and dividing America under the guise of national security. Consequently, our united House Republican Conference voted to censure him. Speaker McCarthy called him to the well of the House of the Representatives to be reprimanded before our entire legislative body and the American people. McCarthy also directed the House Ethics Committee to conduct a new investigation into Schiff for his falsehoods, misrepresentations and abuses of sensitive information.
Furthermore, our ongoing investigation into President Biden is rapidly progressing. So far, we’ve found that the Bidens received between $17 million and $25 million from selling out our country through schemes carried out by Hunter Biden, who was operating as an unregistered foreign agent. It is important to note that Paul Manafort went to jail for far less than what Hunter has done. Remember, Hunter joined every foreign trip, and was shaking-down foreign actors as evidenced by newly-released WhatsApp messages. We're also currently investigating more Biden bank records. Once we fully connect the dots on money flows (we’ve already connected Hunter, Jim, etc.) we will have grounds for impeachment. The last piece is the Department of Justice and the White House's obstruction of the Biden investigation. By the end of our search, we may actually have a two-tier impeachment track of both President Biden and AG Garland.
Overall, there's simply no way the White House doesn't know that their administration's political brass are tamping-down the IRS & DOJ's investigations into the Biden family. This is a pay-for-play, public corruption cover-up. Everything Democrats and the media have accused Trump of, were actually done by the Biden family and Washington Democrats. Biden received millions of dollars of concealed and untaxed money from selling-out America.
As your Congressman, you have my commitment to work on your behalf and restore order and proper governance to The People's House.