WASHINGTON - Today, Congressman Byron Donalds (R-FL) spoke on the House floor to support an effort to begin an impeachment inquiry into President Joseph R. Biden for his willful dereliction of duty by handing our sovereignty and homeland security to cartels, human smugglers, sex traffickers, drug kingpins, and terrorists at our Southern Border. This resolution empowers the House Committee on Homeland Security to investigate thoroughly the president's purposeful neglect of federal law that’s caused irreparable harm to We The People.
“Impeachment is one of the most significant and arduous authorities of the United States Congress, a power I do not take lightly. What I also don't take lightly is a president that knowingly and single-handedly enacts the greatest threat to our Republic, its people, and our sovereignty by neglecting federal law through his radical open-border policies.
“Since Biden took office, America has seen a scourge of illegal immigrants, fentanyl overdoses, cartel influence, and the evisceration of law and order intended to keep our citizens safe. This resolution will diligently unearth the obvious, which is the ongoing border crisis Biden created to appease the ACLU and a radical party that views border enforcement as racist. Borders are essential to our sovereignty and security, and the president must be held accountable for the harm his actions have inflicted on the American people.”